The SynthoCortex community building the future.
The platform where the machine learning community collaborates on models, datasets, and applications.
The Home of Machine Learning
Create, discover and collaborate on ML better.
The collaboration platform
Host and collaborate on unlimited models, datasets and applications.
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SynthoCortex Open Source.
Explore all modalities and models
Risk management with machine learning and artificial intelligence.
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Share your work with the world and build your ML profile.
Accelerate your ML
We provide paid Compute and Enterprise solutions.
Let's explore with Rich programs, Machine Learning, Algorithms Quantitative Research, Artifical İntelligence.
Let's Begin
Enterprise-level machine learning and financial intelligence support, artificial intelligence and quantitative research for your team.
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We use many programs and methods at SynthoCortex
Machine Learning
Quantitative Analysis
Data Science
EnterpriseOur Open Source
We are building the foundation of ML tooling with the community.